Affinity Bag Co. was created to bring a fresh perspective to an old industry. Conducting business is not supposed to be difficult, it should be easy, or dare we say, fun.
It is our belief that people will do business with people they like and this philosophy permeates throughout everything we do. It is this very reason that we treat all of our customers and clients as partners and not just a line item on the profit and loss statement. At its most basic level, we approach each project as if we were working with a friend to create a solution to a challenge.
"You've been amazingly prompt and courteous, a welcome change from the last company I dealt with! Affinity has been quick, efficient, and very nice to deal with. That will make me a loyal customer!"
- Jennifer, Anderson Honey
"The tradeshow bags Affinity produced for us were perfect. A custom bag specialist helped me choose a bag that actually cost less and worked better than what I originally thought I wanted!"
- Paul Cranston, Eat Fit, Inc.